Abbot Kinney, Madman
So, once upon a time (1905), a man named Abbot Kinney decided to make a spittin' image of Venice, Italy in his neck of the woods (Los Angeles, CA). Dug himself some canals, he did. Time passed (it does, unless you have a HDR unit, in which case only dimensions pass - and them through you, not the other way 'round) and the wise folks of Venice, CA decided to fill in these canals as they were stinky and the neighborhood attracted drug-addled hippies like Janice Joplin - something most people would understandably oppose, right? Fortunately, the neighbors stopped The Man before he finished the job and they cleaned up the remaining canals, which are now quite lovely and populated by thoroughly soulless Dwell Magazine subscribing bores. This woman, however, is an exception to the rule. Aged about seventy, she came cruising beneath the bridge atop which I was resting. I barely had time to snap this impression of her, but I'm happy with it. It's very much an accurate retelling of the time, place and mood. I stood there and soaked it up for just a minute . . . then the Polaroid beeped, I peeled the film, confirmed the veracity of the fresh memory, and moved on.

Shotdate | -location:
2007 Feb. 07 | Venice (US)

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Uploaded: Feb. 14, 2007
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