XXXL-argest PCCS - trumler
XXXL-argest Polaroid Celebrity Charity Shooting at MQ Vienna, March 15th 2007.
Prof. Gerhard Trumler, one of Austria's most renowned photographers.
and Dr. Florian Kaps, one of the world's most renowned polaroid heroes.
(charity shooting of celebrities with the worlds biggest (50x60 cm originals!) polaroid camera (owned and operated by Jan Hnizdo) at "15-years eikon" event at MQ)
Shotdate | -location:
| Wien (AT)
| Filmtype:
SLR 680
| SX-70 Blend
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yet anotha proof that polaroids look mucho much bettah without flash.
I only added the flash version of the pic to show that it's not an angel with a gloriole kneeling next to trumler, but just the doc holding the safety-net that prevents the dentures from falling onto the dirty floor (turned out to be good practice at shootings of senior celebrities)