He sits in front of Flying Goat about every third morning, just reading the NY Times, getting all educated and stuff. From time to time we'll shoot the shit, but more often than not it's just a nod and a smile (he's got a durned good one). He noticed my Big Shot (hard to miss, ahem) and I tried a new photo-tactic that I'm sure Lou has used. I said, "Yeah, it's pretty cool. WANT TO SEE HOW IT WORKS?" and before he could say much I had the huge plastic rectangle pointing down at him. End result is, after my bragging about the genius of the Big Shot, I got this shot. . .fuck. Something accidentally-artsy about these, but all in all I'd rather have the whole shot. . .or the one of Hasslehoff and the dogs.
Self-promotion for my new Pola site. Click if you're bored: