With or without car
Hi Folkzzz! Lizzzzen here everybody!!!
There are some of you who might say " oh, Boy, just another new of your crazzzy little key polapola..." and yezzz.... you are wright, zzzisterzzz and brotherzzz! But thatīs not all....
With this new key photo (called "with or without car") among my great fab unique collection I proclamate ceremonially my first and fantastic
The only and little thing you have to do is to guezzz a little secret. I reveal myself to the polanoid audience soon, or more detailed, until the first correct breezzzing answer is coming in. But until that moment Iīm expecting a happy event, ainīt I???
Well, dear girls and boys, my C*U*R*R*Y*W*U*R*S*T M*A*S*T*E*R Q*U*I*Z*Z*Z question of 2day is
What do you think which car I am driving in my new key polaphoto (just have a good look to the steering wheel and forget these fatheaded burntheaded whippersnappers like MichaelSchuhmacher and Niki Lauda)? ? ?
- - -
W H I C H C A R I A M D R I V I N G ? ? ? (of course, O N L Y on that pic, you smart-ass besserwisser....)
my P R I Z E for you: A Surprizzzze Bundle of Motorsporth
Okie, dokie, my dear creme de la creme de la polanoid, now be useful and please give me an answer to...(my profile)!
(Attention: This featured quir is in no concurrence to all of the featured projects of polanoid.net. Der Rechtzzzwech izzz auzzzgeschlozzzzzzze n.)
Okay? Letīs go!! fast fast īnī fast!!!
Shotdate | -location:
| Hamburg (DE)
| Filmtype:
600 Pro
| 600
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