LouKimAndi Watts MyBday
I'm older now. As of 10. June, a year older. Lucky for me, I got to hang out with PolaMasters, Lou, Kim and Andi in and around Watts, Califorina on my bday. Took some pix, I did:

Kim spotted some amazing stairs. . .quite the 'rainbow pride' staircase, so we swung 'round and spent some time snapping each other. If Flickr would ever make it easy to link to other users, I'd link to Lou and Kim's pages right now. But, Flickr still sucks in a lot of ways, so you'll just have to see my side of the story.

Some wonder, "Who in the world is at the center of the Polaroid Universe?" In fact, I get this question emailed to my site www.polafiction.com quite a lot. While I'd like to respond, "Why, that would be me, young lady," I'm forced to show people this picture which proves otherwise.

It's clear that Watts relishes it's standing as the 'gay pride' center of the U.S.A., is it not? Totally awesome.

Shotdate | -location:
2007 June 10 | 29 palms (US)

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Uploaded: June 18, 2007
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