Uz-ta-be a time when you could walk into POP’S PARTS and count on getting anything you needed in the way of salvage for robotics and advanced weapon systems.
POP would give your request some long thought, draw on his pipe, spit on the floor, take a sip a brew and rummage threw his rooms piled high with junk, only to discover after much thinking and looking just “what-ya got-ta” have.
Now that POP is long gone and his nerdy kids have taken over the shop all they stock is high-tech digital crap that ain’t worth a shit, “but all the kids gotta have it” they say, “it’s the future” they say, “bla bla bla” they say. “F- -K” the kids, I say.
I can see POP now… rollin in his grave…
Shotdate | -location:
| Austin (US)
| Filmtype:
Polaroid ProPack
| 669
Related tags:
look to the past for inspiration