On the way to Maracas Bay 1
When we were heading to Maracas, one of the nicest beaches in Trinidad and home of the famous Shark and Bake, we were driving towards Maraval and had to pause as we looked for a petrol station. We let about five cars go past us, and then got back on the road.
Literally about 6 cars in front of us, a massive tree fell down across the road taking all of the power lines around it down with it. There had been so much rain that the land had grown soft and there was a landslide. The tree completely crushed the car just a few in front of us and the man is in critical condition.
Luckily for him, he was driving a low car- if it had been us in the pick- up it would have killed us all as the carriage was crushed.
These are pictures of the aftermath.
The car blocked the only feasible road to Maracas for hours and we went through the Northern Range of mountains, taking us almost 5 hours of driving through ruts and holes but past some beautiful rainforest. We reached Maracas in time for sun downers, and completely missed the beach, but we did get to have a shark and bake just before the place packed up...
Shotdate | -location:
| Port-of-Spain (TT)
| Filmtype:
SX-70 Sonar Autofocus
| SX-70
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