Body falling pt. 3
Anyhow, there's something beautiful about jumping into water. All that gravity gets tedious at times and enjoying that momentary relief from it as we leap followed by the sensation of our bodies' buoyancy as we dive and float feels like a mini-vacation from carrying our own weight as land-dwellers. I try to not let too much time pass in between realized water jumping opportunities.

Shotdate | -location:
2005 July 30 | Norwalk (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
ProPack | 664
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I'm beginning to think that scanning black and white polaroid film in black and white is a mistake. I've scrutinized several exposed packs of 664 film under various lighting conditions and have come to the conclusion that they never appear devoid of all color. They all have a subtle yellow/sepia hue to them from what I can discern.
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Uploaded: June 08, 2006
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