The First Silver Shade
Let me preface the description of the frame with a description of the camera. I had just received it the day before, purchased from an eBay auction for a total of 11$ with shipping. The seller of course was selling it as is, not having tested it or knowing if it worked. I was willing to give it a shot. Unfortunately, as I discovered when shooting the above frame to test the camera, it worked perfectly, save for the deceased, irreplaceable flash bulb. Anyway, what this frame would have been was a headshot of my friend Dylan (lilbabypositiv). .

Shotdate | -location:
2013 Mar. 16 | Charlottesville (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
Impulse | PX600
Related tags:
Test your camera before wasting film.
Copyright info:
Uploaded: June 12, 2013
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