New look on fashion
These colorful ads are very common on streets of Russia, especially in Saint-Petersburg. However, their message is not as nice as they seem to be: these are prostitute dens’ ads, made as if they were written by women themselves, like “Waiting for you, Katya tel… ” or “Wishing to date a man, Janna tel… ”
Every single bus stop and every post on the streets are covered with those ads. And everyday new ones get stuck on them.
That is the serious issue right now in Russia.
Symbolically, ads here cover almost the whole face of the model on the background, and the writing says “New look on fashion”

Shotdate | -location:
2015 | Amsterdam/St. Peters (RU)

Camera | Filmtype:
Spirit 600 CL | 600
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Uploaded: July 21, 2015
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