2007-12-11 // 19:14:54
nice one, Mrsixblue10.
And you deserve it twice, cause a polaroid camera is not the easiest camera to use in cold and snow condition and outfit...

Ah, first to notice that. You've obviously tried, yes? Have to keep them WARM or else the colors go . . .then again, when the colors shift, it's a visual reminder of how cold it was, which is sort of special as well.

2006-06-23 // 21:04:00
i think this is one of my favourite polaroids EVER.
wonderful fabulous great. his face is a picture itself. and then there's snow..

brilliant Brilliant. i vote and i favouritise

Favouritise. That's fantastic. Over here, across the water, we'd have to sub a z and axe a u to make it favoritize, which looks nowhere near as regal.

Fave EVER is such a huge compliment. . . thanks a bunch. Colorado is a cold, cold place, so it was surprising that this didn't underexpose, come out blue-tinged. Great to know that we're pals now!

2006-01-02 // 00:52:59
oh i wish it would snow here! quoting 2 year old Iris 'no fair'.hey, did you notice I have got the first shot of the day for 2006!

However, I did have to fly over three states to get to the snow. . .then drive three hours. . .

2005-12-29 // 23:55:35
great portrait on location