2006-01-02 // 14:33:31
this is perfect arp! this camera of yours looks like a ton of fun! can't wait to see what you do next!
Thanks Bonnie! :-)>

2006-01-01 // 20:47:47
This series rocks, so beautiful.
Very nice gift for us covered by the snow.
Happy new year!!!

Thank you!

2006-01-01 // 15:16:52
This whole series is amazing!!!!!!! (With many exclamation marks)
Once again Urizen, thank you for your kind feedback!!!!!!!(with many exlamation marks too!!!!!)

2006-01-01 // 13:20:52
this is great! the imcomlete part look like a human silhouette. is it a accident? well done!!
Thanks lo-fi! Nature creates it's own fortuitous accidents!