2006-02-22 // 21:54:24
I get so mad when I think of the end! It makes me want to cry! it sucks because sx-70 film doesn't seem to function long past its expiration date! once its past its date [a year or two..or so] it's dead! and I will feel dead inside! I wish FUJI would step in and take the place of SX-70... if they were smart they would develop a film that is manipulatable [is that a word?]
I also hope in Fujy for an SX-70 replacement but Is really hard....
the only way, for me, is to realize something all togheter in order to let the companies (polaroid and fujy) know that we need this film

2006-01-31 // 01:20:12
Se si puņ fare qualcosa...proviamo!!!
proviamo č l'unica cosa che possiamo fare, invi auna foto qui cosi' gli altri si svegliano!

2006-01-28 // 17:31:23
super 8 - I love it!

2006-01-28 // 01:48:23
Bravo! Now if only we can pull something together to get to Polaroid. Here's the deal . . .oh wait I'll post it in the main public space . . .
ok thanks for support

2006-01-27 // 23:29:22
Good idea my friend!
help me with it!