2006-07-21 // 06:00:43
I fall for girls with laser guns everytime. Anyway, if Polaroid had ever made movie film, I am pretty sure all the strange sci-fi films would have been shot on it!
True. It would be the perfect medium for that retro-futuristic look we all must love.

2006-07-06 // 10:38:09
I'll dub my copy of Girl from Starship Venus to digital in the not-too-distant future and shall subsequently look for means to send you a copy - promise. There are moments in that movie that will leave you speechless with delight - or you might squeal with joy :->
Yessss!!! That sounds great. I shall watch it in my full Futurella regalia.

2006-07-06 // 09:57:29
Ha ha! Thanks (you weirdo).

2006-07-06 // 03:05:37
Related, recommended viewing: Girl from Starship Venus.

(Yes, I do own a copy on NTSC VHS...)

Lucky bugger. I just checked that out on the internet and now I want it. Damn! And I'd already promised myself that my next ridiculous purchase was going to be "A Mid-Summer Night's Cream". (I also want "Queen Kong" and "The Osporns". Why is life so harsh to me? Why?)