2006-02-06 // 18:49:35 Urizen Is that real?! You found this at an abandoned school! So sinister!
To me happens the same that to Carmen, your polas give me a very sad impression of urban decay and abandoning, but i love it, it's a great point of view, a documentation of your surround, how you see it!
P.S.: I want a Vivitar!
yes! this is real! and I have been in this building one time before and that noose was not there on my prior visit. As I walked into this cafeteria and saw that I was spooked! Maybe it has something to do with the report card that I found with the low grades??? But this looks more like a threat to me more so than it implies suicide. It's the text scribbled on the wall that makes this look so threatening. The word "KILL" has such sinister conotations!
2006-02-06 // 17:49:11 bonnie many people have a sad impression of detroit as a living space, no?
BUT there are a couple of positives about detroit:
outside of NY city and Chicago...largest collection of art deco influenced tall buildings. too bad there isn't a great zoom polaroid cam...to capture the architectural details.
and what about the ceramics in the DTE bldg (whatever the name is, can't remember). or the fact that detroit has so many buildings with NAMES like the Book Bldg.
AND there is a NEW high school for artistic young people isn't there?
ok. not a long list, but a few really good places (i always wanted to take pics of the old train station!)
I've been to that train station so many times but never able to get in... there is always se urity driving around and the barbed wire is intimidating!
2006-02-06 // 06:28:46 lordsuicide I love the gallows in beam... I have a weakness for this... sorry.
I had no idea that you could use the positives again.
But yet again, I havent tried to do an emulsion transfer yet.
typically.... you are supposed to separate the positive from the negative after 10-15 seconds when doing a transfer.... if you allow the pos + neg to stay together longer... you will get a nicer positive, which can later be used for emulsion lifts... but your transfer will have a slightly faded look if you let the pos + neg sit longer than the recommended 15 seconds...
blah blah blah!!!
2006-02-06 // 01:28:36 sixblueten Are you sure this is an abandoned school? We're talking about Detroit, right? Heh.
there is an abandoned building everywhere you look here! the story behind this school is pretty sad. It was a school for artistically- inclined students and the school was constantly being vandalized and musical instruments worth thousands of dollars were being stolen by the vandals. A fundraiser was organized to help the school out after the attacks and the place where the fundraiser was being held was vandalized the night before. This school closed down last year... among several other schools in the city.