2007-04-17 // 15:56:05
beautiful. reminds me of the photo in the polaroid book, the 1st photo in it acutally......

2007-03-25 // 20:57:53
getting close to any wild bird is a victory, let alone capturing such a lovely shot. i was about to vote for sotd, but alas, you've already won it! belated congrats. truly deserved.

xoxo kristen

2006-11-23 // 14:30:49
You've got him!!++

2006-08-09 // 02:25:44
congratulations !
this is still good

2006-08-09 // 02:03:44
get your ndfilter baby

2006-08-04 // 19:24:37
votification from moi x
thank you! :)

2006-08-04 // 18:26:21
you have my vote, baby ;-)
:) thank you... i heart you... :)

2006-08-04 // 09:39:47
Alright, alright. Here's one more vote in your bucket, Mr. Good luck getting enough for ND filter bliss.

Speaking of retrofit filters for SX-70s...are you aware of the one that's not from Polaroid Japan and made of glass? Of course it's more expensive than the official ND filter, so maybe it's best not think you need the fancier kind ;-)


$50... too steep for me... i'd rather get the cheap one and then buy 2 packs of sx-70 film, just for old times... ;) thank you for the vote... :-)

2006-08-01 // 19:15:14
I wish I was a bird as well....great shot, love the softness of the wings...
thank you... :)

2006-07-31 // 13:41:03

really impressive shot!!!

the moment perfectly captured!!!

thank you! so glad you like it... you know, i find that birds are a lot like women in that you have to pretend you don't notice them in order to get close to them... you shoulda seen me playing it cool as i walked up on this bird... if only i could be that cool with the ladies though... haha...

2006-07-30 // 10:55:26
Great capture! Deep blue!
thank you... so glad you like it... might be my favorite pola i've ever taken... i love birds... i hope i'm a bird in the next 10 lives... :)

2006-07-30 // 09:06:39
great moment!!!
thank you... i'm really glad you like it! :)

2006-07-30 // 02:39:18
perfect everything. sotd here you come!
sotd would be nice as i desperately need an ND filter and i'm super broke right now... seems a lot of people like this shot, but not enough are voting... how do i get more votes without sacrificing my dignity? hmmmm... haha...

2006-07-29 // 21:04:02
Great capture. His head is just enough focus that it works.

I hate how seaguls always smile at you and your camera, but right before your going to take a picture of them they buggar off!

they're just like women... you have to pretend you don't notice them in order to get close... then, just when you think you're close enough, they fly away... ;) i'm glad you like the shot... i'm hoping i can grab a sotd with this one cause i could use the credit to get an ND filter... i'm soooo broke... :) thanks... :)

2006-07-29 // 19:21:21
Ooh, how very nice! The wing blur and that almost posterized body are really remarkable.
thank you so much! i'm glad you like it... maybe a few more votes and i can get an ND filter... i'm so broke... would be nice... :)

2006-07-29 // 18:30:41
great great
i vote and i fav

thank you very much for the vote and fav... glad you like the shot! if i get a sotd with this one, i'm buying an ND filter... i thank you in advance should that work out for me! haha... :)

2006-07-29 // 15:56:33
ah, great!
i love going on boats over to the islands on the west coast here because the gulls fly right alongside the boat the whole time, and just soar, almost like perfectly still.
that water looks very inviting

thank you so much... i'm so glad you like the shot... it's probably my favorite pola i've ever taken... :)

2006-07-29 // 15:51:57
that IS really close!!!
Nice shot :-)

( I swam past a mother swan and her 3 babies..like 2 meters from them..I know I'm crazy but I wanted to dare it lol)

here's the thing with birds... they're just like women... you have to pretend you don't notice them so they let you get close... and then, just when you think you're close enough, they fly away! haha....

i'm hoping this shot can get a few more votes... i need an ND filter and i'm broke right now... haha... 10 bucks is 10 bucks! :-)