2007-06-27 // 15:49:29
love this shot, such a great eye for text you've got there!
and thank you thank you thank you again- i like buttons too....

2007-06-25 // 03:23:09
You have a great eye. This pola is classic. Well done. Thanks for sharing. Dan
Thank you very much for your kind comments....I think polaroid makes me look at everything in a very different way and thats what i love about it- i think my 'eye' per se only exists because polaroids do! I have such issues with 35mm!! Anyway, I am very flattered and pleased that you enjoy my polas. Rhi x

2006-11-05 // 23:20:24
don't you just want to push those cute little buttons?
i'm seriously thinking bout pushing the screen right now.

I do, I touched the real ones though and it wasn't as satisfying as it looks! Don't blame me if you smash your screen!

2006-08-09 // 02:00:26
that is indeed a hot photo.......by the way......has anyone told you your a very good hugger? x
aww...no no one has said that in a long long time :) xxxxxxxx

2006-08-03 // 05:45:16
with all this laundrette scenery, it reminds me of the "bambi" episode of "the young ones," my favorite line from that show being: "Vyvyan: My knickers are so old, it's only the stubborn understains that are holding them together!" however, do continue with this series. i like it very much.

2006-08-02 // 17:12:40
So you think that switch is in a neutral position? That switch is fucked up! Maybe it's a learning-by-manipulating type of control, but it looks daunting on your picture. I'd hate to was my laundry at the wrong temperature.
I think that's why they offer service washes!! Cunning you see- confuse the punters so they have to pay to get their laundry done! And yes, neutral was the word I was looking for!

2006-08-02 // 06:39:53
I don't comprehend the cold/warm/hot switch. Is it on warm right now? What an inane question, haha.
Well I don't think it's on at all, so yeah..i guess you have to move it when you put it on! I don't knwo about washing machines- i just take pictures!!

2006-08-01 // 17:14:20
yeah this is one of my fave to
so i fav
and i vote

Thank you! thank you thank you! As ever, much appreciated!