2006-08-21 // 21:32:39
Now I figured out what you have written in greek!
"I reveal secrets"
"Apokalypto mystika"
" Α π ο κ α λ ύ π τ ω μ υ σ τ ι κ ά "

Am I right?

you have been puzzeled about it all the time?
I don't remember it.. it has been something like
"α π ο κ α λ a _ π τ ω μ υ σ τ ι κ a _"
but two lettters (or more?) are missing

kánte mu ékptossi, parakaló, because of the missing letters ;)

2006-08-19 // 21:34:06
In this site greek characters can be displayed well when they are seperated. An alternative is to write in greeklish (greek with latin characters).
Δ ε ν μ ι λ ά ς κ α θ ό λ ο υ ε λ λ η ν ι κ ά ;

2006-08-19 // 20:05:34
oops.. these letters don't work either

2006-08-19 // 12:48:06
Simple and great!
This shot "speaks" to me...
but I'm not telling you what it says...

αποκαλύπτω μυστικό...

no, I don't speak greek ;)