2006-11-09 // 22:05:12
no,definitely not! your insanity is the good kind. i mean. i don´t know you very good. erm. i should say, i don´t know you at all, but i think, it´s okay. a lil bit crazy, but you seem to be a good boy :)
Ok. I'm relieved. Even bunnies with wounds and countless band-aids to cover them up can be a little unsure of themselves sometimes (wait, that sounded quite contradictory...whic h I like, so nevermind, and carry on) :-)

2006-11-09 // 21:53:09
hehe yeah.
sometimes friends call me crazy.
but i think, there´s a difference between your craziness and mine ;)

I should hope that all of us espouse individual types of insanity as we carry on in our lives. Again, the more, the merrier. But perhaps you're implying that my insanity isn't the good kind? *sniff* `Makes me a sad bunny...

2006-11-09 // 21:03:25
yes you ARE crazy!! ;D ;D

Vielen herzlichen Dank. Freut mich, daß Du das zu schätzen weißt. But tell me about your craziness sometime, will you? Must have more righteous insanity - it's the joy of life.

2006-09-06 // 18:25:43
I'm gonna chew on a whole bag of these miniature carrots (not sure whether those are popular in Munich as well) to forget about all of this in the meantime. Basta :-)

2006-09-06 // 18:15:17
Maybe I am. But maybe that's classified information, not available to insane floppy eared rodents.
You insane floppy eared rodent tease, you. Hrmpf.

2006-09-06 // 17:52:42
It was just an absent-minded gesture.
Not much of a dream, then, yeah? Unless you're keeping something to yourself that would delight my band-aided, bunny-eared self.

2006-09-06 // 17:41:14
Yes. I was writing you a comment and fondling my little white cotton tail.
Weird, I'd imagined you as a black tail type. Were you fondling your tail out of nervousness?

2006-09-06 // 16:52:28
I had a dream about this shot. I hope you're satisfied.
It's a start, anyway. Were you sitting at your computer, looking at this photo in your dream?

2006-08-24 // 13:45:01
What else is new? ;-)

2006-08-24 // 00:41:31
oh my these are scary! totally disturbing!
But I'm a bunny...with a wound so big I need band-aids all over...*sniff* *sniff*

2006-08-23 // 16:15:31
In the next scene, the door bell rings and it's the pizza delivery boy... Mr Bunny opens the door and...
"Hey, Mr Bunny freak never pays for his pizza! Got it?"
It is a clever way to eat pizza for free!

That is a good idea, except that I never get food delivered. Perhaps my behavior as Bunny With Wound doesn't have to be consistent with my regular appearance behavior, but it was that night. Something to keep in mind for the next time I opt for a radical transformation. Teehee.

2006-08-23 // 14:29:38
um Gotteswillen.... das ist erschreckend...
Erschrickst Du leicht?

Es mag seltsam klingen, aber so beliebt wie an diesem Abend war ich selten. Wildfremde Mädels fragten, ob sie mich anfassen oder leicht gar eins der Pflaster mit nach Hause nehmen dürften. Ein Modefritze hat mir seine Visitenkarte förmlich aufgedrängt...