2008-01-06 // 19:28:51 moss what acrykundel said
2007-11-05 // 22:48:24 arcykundel great portfolio
2006-12-13 // 09:25:08 polaspin For what I can feel this image is far more powerful than those in color, really beautiful pic mate !
2006-08-29 // 07:59:31 aundm20 itīs really hard to say which of these shots is the best. they all show so much ambience and perfect composition. great!!!!!!!!!! *vote* for all
2006-08-28 // 00:58:56 morganx99 god!! this one is incredible.... those drops and the whole atmosphere..... great!!
2006-08-28 // 00:08:41 LiA GORGEOUS latest submissions