2007-01-12 // 01:10:55
i dig this. i don't normally like the fuji film but this looks great.

2007-01-11 // 15:14:03
lovely pic...

2006-11-30 // 00:27:59
well that's just not good enough. stop working, forget about income, and take some pictures. try shooting the night club scene - the transvestites, hookers and crack addicts you keep mentioning keep you up at night in the downstairs bar. that would be fun!
if only life was that exciting...

2006-11-29 // 21:33:59
post some damned photos!
Thankyou Mr Brilliant, i know.i have no time.after 10th December will take some.i am desperate to take some photos.I am really looking forward to taking my polanoidswaps.i have had them in my head for weeks.

2006-09-01 // 12:40:29
i want to buy those shoes off you, you made them look so nice.. ! :-)
i bought these shoes just because i wanted to take a photo of them and am supposed to sell them (thats what i told my boyfriend) but i don't think i can part with them! more photos of these shoes at my flickr home - link on my profile page if you want to see the digital shots!

2006-08-31 // 05:43:19
I love the shot. I think I just really like pictures of shoes
me too!

2006-08-30 // 23:54:00
as always you have created an image that just works - speaks volumes as it stands - i am so tired of seeing people writing 'literature' to accompany a photograph.
a photograph should work on it's own .. i don't want or need prose to accompany it.
superb - very glad to see you back

thanks David its nice to be back. i agree with your point about writing literature. to be honest i find it hard.for me either an image either works aesthetically or it doesn't, regardless of the reason or thought behind it.
i've just been told off. i sneakily bought the shoes just to take pictures of them and i've been caught!