2007-04-10 // 15:45:20
Again, a wonderful picture. You managed to captured an amazing atmosphere.
:) sometimes it helps not to clean your windows

2006-09-07 // 17:40:29
i love this shot. it is very ghostly. i think that story should stay with it always.
I do as well, this picture now means something completely different for me then when i first posted it

2006-09-05 // 09:05:27
Well, wy mother is a very capable, down-to-earth woman, but very, very occasionally, she has these "experiences".

We were visiting an old house near to our village. It would be a couple of hundred years old - just a little cottage with a garden. It had been empty for at least 30 years and was up for sale. My dad picked up the keys and we all went along to view it - mainly just out of curiosity. When we reached the stone wall that ran around the outside of the garden, my mother froze and "came over all strange", as my father puts it. She refused to enter the garden and kept insisting to us we couldn't go in because the house was clearly occupied. She was getting quite angry about it because none of us could see what she was going on about. The house was crumbly and flaky and had obviously been empty for decades. I remember everyone started getting very irritated with each other, because as I said, my mother is generally always the least imaginitive and most cool-headed person in the family. None of us could quite cope with her talking nonsense and getting so upset about it. She kept saying there was washing hanging on a line in the garden, curtains at the windows and someone inside the house. We all said "You've lost your marbles woman. You've gone completely cuckoo," and went in." After about ten minutes, she came in too and said she'd been wrong. She couldn't explain what she thought she'd seen.

I read this this morning and have thought about it all day, its an amazing experience.....

2006-09-04 // 10:07:28
My mother once saw the "ghost" of some washing on a line. This reminds me of that experience. Very atmospheric.
Thats intriguing.....whats the rest of the story?

2006-09-03 // 14:51:01

so wonderful!

thanks :]