2006-10-27 // 10:33:54
Poor Salvador...

2006-09-08 // 02:14:00

So scared. This is GREAT!

2006-09-06 // 23:56:42
Fat? I think he just looks startled more than anything else. With those ears folded back like that...

2006-09-06 // 11:01:44
Aw. Maybe the fireworks of July 4th proved too be too much for the poor guy? He looks so startled in this one, it made me laugh.
i was trying to take the picture of him on the ground but he kept running, i had to hold him and it ended up making him look fat

2006-09-06 // 10:55:17
I've never had a bunny rabbit. Are they personable? Were you very sad?
Yea this one was awsome, it loved to cuddle, very beautiful

2006-09-06 // 09:33:30
Shortly as in...seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks...?
About a day

2006-09-05 // 12:17:01

i dont like flash on animals (even rare on humans) bt this really looks very pretty! :D

Thank you very much, shortly after the picture was taken he died.