2006-02-13 // 23:06:29
i just love these vintage books of anatomy.
dunno why ... on the one hand i feel a bit disgusted looking at all these human inwards and guts an stuff ... but on the other hand, those old illustrations are sooo beautiful and fascinating ... thats why i bought myself a HUGE book of the human antomy and plastic surgery. it's so great. i can hardly look at all the illustrations

2006-02-11 // 17:42:55
Oh, disturbing! Breast are a too beautiful thing to be shown from the inside!!! I read a book about anthropology where they explained the circumcision as i kind of erasing every female feature from the male, and the author asked himself why no culture ever thought about erasing the nipples, too. Uff, that was hard to read! Your pola made me remeber it, sorry for sharing
there is an interesting book out called "Why Do Men Have Nipples"...

2006-02-11 // 03:16:28
let me get this straight...the guy with the WMitis is the emulsion lift, yes? damn...i wish i could get emulsion lifts to work out...i have a stack of vintage postcards set aside JUST for putting the emulsion lift stuff on. maybe i'll try again this weekend (maybe not)
no... it's not a lift... just the "discarded" positive from the transfer that I did.

2006-02-10 // 20:20:31
I don't know. . .you're pushing it here. . .we can't keep up! This looks great, but tell us - what are the dimensions? About 6 x 6? And why the hell has the mailman fucked you over?
5"x5" it was 6x6" until I burned off the edges!

2006-02-10 // 20:12:18

oh god - how wondafully sick this is!

would feel tempted to upload anotha "4stOOpidgERrL" pic now
(you gotta know I suffer from this disorder too)

but I think I don't dare - the pola is lousy and I'm such a fraidy-cat when it comes to publically showing my various disorders...