2006-09-27 // 04:34:59
My comment should have actually read:

How are you able to use 600 film in the SX-70 sonar?!?!
I cannot even get the cartridge in the camera!!!


you have to modify the film pack for that ..it's very easy. clip the 2 middle knobs off on the cartrige with the knife or a nail clipper...and it will go in. but you need to turn the light/dark knob on the camera all the way to dark (600 is a faster film..overexposure problem) and/or get an ND filter on ebay ;)

2006-09-27 // 04:34:23
How are you able to use 779 film in the SX-70 sonar?!?!
I cannot even get the cartridge in the camera!!!

2006-09-19 // 07:15:58
THANK YOU! i'm glad you like ;)

2006-09-19 // 04:51:15
+ fav...

2006-09-19 // 04:49:29
i'm having a hard time, but this is the best one of the series, imo. i like how you chose to shoot the scene at this angle. i guess some might get perturbed at the wire fencing being in the scene, but i think it great enhances it. places such as these are artifacts, and they become 'open-air' museums in of themselves. the wire fencing becomes a barrier, like such barriers inside museums, protecting displays and artifacts. thus, we are separated from this 'artifact', just as the 'artifact' itself is separated from us in reference to time, a time when it was open and serving people...1 vote.
thank you so much for such a detailed observation...i couldn't have said better myself! i agree about the damn fences...sometimes when i see something i want to photograph..the fence always stops me from doing that..i hate that.very annoying.

2006-09-18 // 21:35:12
colors are perfect, a very soft and nice serie.

thank you much! glad you like it ;D