2006-10-10 // 23:12:58
special,... nice.

2006-10-05 // 17:41:56
Great angle.

2006-09-29 // 00:00:22
still my fave out of your gallery, including the teddybears and the dia photographer.

2006-09-25 // 11:05:30
perfectly understand...
you're a lucky one: i'm not depressed and sick for just one week a year... more than this!

not for just one week a year but every year it's in this septemberweek. depressed? mmh.. more than enough. but i can count and remember when I was sick and so I found out...

2006-09-25 // 10:56:15
what's the same as every year, mister?
depression, sick, the same smell in the nose. every year the same week in september since i think 4 years that i can remember

2006-09-21 // 20:51:50
nice portrait, very cozy.

2006-09-21 // 14:47:56
what happens to you, mister?
that's a lovely portrait, btw!

just the same as every year.
thank you dear spito!

2006-09-20 // 10:54:34
Lovely typewriter! I like your slippers too. This makes me quite jealous.
these slippers give me that feeling that i'm right at home :)