2006-12-08 // 12:18:38
vote for sure!!!
Thank you, and thank you for all the other comments too:)

2006-10-21 // 02:16:42
so beautiful

2006-10-15 // 21:59:55
Great transfer, makes me want to try it out on my own!
This was the polaroid, the transfer didn't turn out so great!

2006-10-10 // 17:38:36
how did you do that??
It was my first attempt at polaroid transfers, i pulled the polaroid after 20 seconds. so the majority of the image stayed on the negative. I've tried to repeat it but without much luck.
this scan doesn't do it justice, its the most delicate tones and colours

2006-09-25 // 09:53:21
it's perfect, the idea and the realisation... so tender!
it' funny how in other people's pictures i love what i never shoot and what i'm not able to shoot...
PERFECT, again!

thank you...i know that feeling, i think as photographers we are essentially collectors of pictures so as with all collectors we always admire other collections,

oh that sounds like a load of crap! i think i could write a whole essay and still not get my point across!