2006-10-26 // 10:01:33
This is a great concept and a nice realisation.
Hey Thanks!

2006-10-12 // 06:19:58

interessantes xlargegichon!
und was fuern interessanter bildtitel erst!!!
sehr schoen, sehr schoen
willste drueber reden?

I'm immediately getting in to trouble writing in German, takes too long time, so I just answer in english.
Yeah, the screen (web) is showing up when enlarged on the page, then you can se what it is. And my idea' about the image and the title was that when people like you are working on the net, you getting so deep in to it. Always more problem to solve. From clean on the surface to stocked deep down. You getting stocked in the web (screen).

Yeah, well, that was just a thought.

2006-10-11 // 22:45:24
it is, enlarged? which size? (I always thought: size doesn´t matter, but that must be in other affairs...*gg*)

2006-10-11 // 00:24:45
like a dream of sailing....
Yeah it looks good when enlarged.