2006-10-20 // 20:24:45
this is the best of the series i think. love it.
thanks very much, bri. fyi, this is the *entire* series actually...all the photos, so to speak. i originally wanted to have all of them in 1 horizontal line, but the stitched scan was too small in pixel height to post here. my flickr-blickr has them in the *correct* way: »link
thanks again...

2006-10-20 // 02:42:41
Perfect pattern, love colors and geometrical but soft shapes
thank you, urizen, i am happy you like them...!

2006-10-18 // 20:45:59
wow..it could be used as a wallpaper..
yes, could be... :)

2006-10-17 // 20:07:26
wooow..this is awesome! seriously..how..what it is this? it's really cool...the blur works so good in these...i must *fav and vote*...
thank you! i wish i could say what the 'what' is, but then that would not be any fun, right? rest assured, it is 'all-natural analog.' the only thing digital about it are the scans. :)