2006-12-21 // 22:51:19
Such a cinematic effect... I'm in a thriller movie

2006-11-10 // 16:59:04
i was about to add to the small hole punning, but i think i crossed a line. so i'll just say, very nice shot here.
thanks, maybe should think a bit more about what i'm writing!!

2006-11-03 // 10:43:26
Yes, that wondeful small hole! (Am i sick or this has a double meaning?)
ha ha...i didn't think of it until your first comment and then wondered if that was what you meant!

2006-11-03 // 04:17:01
I understand you!
the small hole?:)

2006-10-31 // 20:48:05
very beautiful

2006-10-29 // 18:03:02
Wow great!
Really beautiful.
Vote for sure ;-)

thank you

2006-10-28 // 21:28:48
oh Hugh it's gooooooood
your patience is being rewarded :)

Thanks...I'm really pleased with it, i thought about ways of doing it all day at work, and this was the first shot, so feeling all clever!!!!

2006-10-28 // 21:25:43
wow..nice shot..how long did you exposure? my pinholes mostly come out with a blue hue...
It was 25 mins, its shot under tungsten so it probably balanced out, i thought it would go a bit green or blue, but pleased it didn't. thnaks for the comment.