2008-01-29 // 11:08:42
so beautiful... just amazing!
Thank you very much!

2007-12-16 // 13:55:44
Wow, this is the first time ive seen the reflection of a mermaid, or are you a siren, or are they the same thing??? It makes no odds to me, i love it all the same! v+f
Thank you! I always thought they were the same thing, but recently I found out that sirens don't officially have fishtails, so I suppose I should be a mermaid.

2007-08-30 // 09:53:46
oh yes indeed, naked female bodies, yours, theirs, mine, is just about my only interest on polanoid;) !!! but of course, it all depends on the way they are shot ! your pix are so refined, so beautiful, always !

2007-08-30 // 00:49:14
i just LOVE all your pix & that's the way it is, v+f!
Thanks! I wonder, are you scouring the site in search of naked bodies, by any chance?

2007-05-10 // 10:50:15
Wow!!!...love this shot!...my eyes are dreaming...beautiful tone...:) v*f

You're whizzing through my shots. I'm chasing you.

2007-01-09 // 19:27:09
missed this beautiful work as well. my viewing technique on this site is rather scattershot. may prefer this to versoin one. .. damned fine, this.


Really? Well, that's good. I certainly had a nice time playing around with it.

2006-11-21 // 11:20:50
Aah I hasn't seen this one, why? This takes too much time of my life, I don't have time for this.
Beautiful portrait/nude, so secret, cover enough and shows enough. This is a fav Vote!

Thank you very much!

2006-11-17 // 17:24:07
I almost forgot this one lovely , hmmm sushi !

2006-11-13 // 16:38:19
I cannot recall the occasion nor any details, but I'm quite confident that I have indeed sampled ear wax before. The most gruesome natural delicacy I've indulged in (according to my mother) is a dried piece of dog poo in a park when I was barely big enough to walk around on my own (I sucked on it, supposedly.) I think it's your turn now.
My brother used to pick the peanuts out of his own poos. My mum used to try to stop him, but if I saw him doing it, I used to just let him. (I believe I was already looking forward to the experience of telling him about it when he was older.)

2006-11-10 // 09:41:11
I wasn't wondering, but now that you've shared this with me anyway, I feel a peculiar sense of curiosity relief, which really doesn't quite make sense.
Have you ever tried ear wax?

2006-11-10 // 01:20:45
If the meat is really exquisite and the chef skilled, I'd opt for the sashimi option, myself. Since I'd classify you as a kind of white fish, I'd also recommend ponzu sauce instead of soy sauce, should you ever choose to indulge in said auto-cannibalism instincts. The tart kick of the citrus base of ponzu will make it all worthwhile and the some. Oh speaking of cutting up people and oceans - you haven't seen Matthew Barney's feature film Drawing Restraint 9 featuring his girlfriend Björk, have you?
No I haven't.

I never eat bogies, by the way (just in case you were wondering).

2006-10-31 // 02:07:50
This is magical! Did you paint it? So powerfully dreamy!
I opened it up, washed away the layer of white emulsion at the back and painted directly onto the reverse of the polaroid with silk paints (which is the only kind of paint I seem to have) Then I stuck fishy bits and foil around the place and glued it all back together. Hey presto - a work of Kitsch.

2006-10-31 // 00:38:26
vote, schwesterchen.
ich liebe diese farben, (da ist echt für jeden was dabei), das motiv, deinen schwanz, und vorallem - die alufolie. superkitschig, und deswegen gerade richtig für mich.

der teil auf deinem bauch wo der fischunterleib ansetzt sieht total echt aus!! tollllllllll

Ah, danke Kleines. Ich kann nicht richtig malen, aber girly Kitsch herstellen macht trotzdem Spaß und Alu-Folie ist einfach eine tolle Erfindung. Da hast Du verdammt recht..

2006-10-30 // 14:15:08
Wonderful......U got my Vote.!!!!!
Thanks. (Sorry about the fishy smell.)