2006-11-04 // 13:33:47
Also, the building looks like a tiara in thumbnail view. Guess you already knew that though.
I'm sorry that its not :-(

2006-11-03 // 18:28:56
Nah, just all that!
now I think about it..yes you are right.

2006-11-03 // 16:29:07
Spooky, and all that.
and allll that!

2006-11-03 // 02:36:27
i was secretly hoping you were wearing a funny hat, but it's just a building. hat or no hat, it's still very charming.
lol lsomeone else had expected that, too.
Sorry for the disappointment. :-)

2006-11-02 // 22:02:14
ich mag die combination aus schärfe und unschärfe
und die farben sind toll.

danke :-)

2006-11-02 // 20:03:30
Das gefaellt mir am Besten aus dem project. Wo haste denn die 360 her du Socke. Seit ich sie in ner Scrubs Episode gesehen hab will ich unbedingt eine haben :|

2006-11-02 // 19:45:27
love love love

2006-11-02 // 14:56:06
hi lia,

i like your "about walls & rooftops" series a lot. very malanchloy in a good way, if that makes any sense to you. and very good use of the 108e if you don't mind me saying so.

i especially like this one here, the way the perception layers blend and combine.

(although i was a bit disapointed you weren't wearing a waitress bonnet as i suspected from the thumb! ;) )

hope you're well!
