2006-12-21 // 18:31:18
that girl is really sexy
she was a little dirty..but yeah, she was pretty ;)

2006-12-21 // 03:09:17
japanese fighting fish...
haha, that's great, totaly! it made me to remember, i had a couple of those before ;)

2006-12-10 // 01:07:21
Melrose place seems to change ...
probably..how so? i haven't really hung out there for years..but years ago i did...i worked there, i knew everybody in the stores..oh. good old days ;)

2006-11-03 // 03:50:29
OH, wonderful capture! The girl must be alone responsible on the whole ozone hole! She must have used tons of hairsparay!
oh yeah! it was freaking HUGE, that mohok..thank you!

2006-11-02 // 14:12:33
Like human peacocks.
haha, that's true!