2007-02-05 // 15:17:21 FILIPPO bath of attention...hahah ;-))
I 've never seen all your polas before, & I like them :-)) a lot
ciao ciao
2007-02-03 // 12:51:22 FILIPPO eheh, Sorry...I miss a lot of your polas...BELLA
mille grazie, filippo!! I enjoyed this bath of attention a lot!! : )
2006-11-23 // 09:40:36 Jose605 Yes, very cool. Doesnt seem like Barcelona to me somehow; which is a compliment, as a I tend to like unsual shots of familiar cities. Vote.
thank you. I lived there and its not at all unusual for me, but i guess I know what you mean..
2006-11-23 // 01:55:58 musterfrau very nice combination!
thank you, made my having a good first day in here..