2007-09-21 // 00:46:28

2007-04-29 // 14:25:03
+ + vote + fav + +
merci beaucoup...

2007-03-14 // 21:37:10
Hugh Whitaker
Just came back to this, its incredible, one of my all time favourites
thanks for the re-visit. i submitted this photo for a juried exhibit last week. i got the postcard today saying it was 'unaccepted' for the show. the juror must be a pola-hater.

2007-02-18 // 00:15:52
i love this. its a bit abstract. is it a double exposure? a reflection? regardless, its gorgeous. i love that blue-green tone. perfect.

xo kristen

vote and fave

thank u 4 the v + f. you are correct, it is a double exposure. i had help from a little camera accessory made during the 70s that shall remain classified ... ;)
oh yeah, the expired 108 film is great.

2006-12-26 // 21:03:41
this is special. i love it.
thank you very much! yes, i agree with you. i knew it was unique the moment i peeled the film apart...

2006-12-05 // 15:08:58
v & f.
is this the super old film in the camera you bought? awesome.

yes, it is the film that was in that colorpack i got. (you remembered!) however, i was thinking that the camera's previous owner may have been a *polanoider* of sorts and put in the expired film sometime way after 1992 and maybe not before. they could have opened the film pack maybe 4 months ago, loaded the camera, taken some pics, and later chucked the camera. it's a mystery. thanks for the v+f.

2006-11-29 // 21:44:05
wow so so so soooo ohhhh!!!!
thank you "so so so soooo" very much!

2006-11-29 // 19:54:04
wow...this is really beautiful
danke! merci! grazie! (i hope i got one right)

2006-11-29 // 19:09:17
Hugh Whitaker
thats so beautiful

thank you mr. hugh w. cheers.

2006-11-29 // 17:29:21

danke! thank you for your comment and fav.