2006-12-11 // 18:48:05
They ARE little fragile beasties. Believe me, I've cradled a dying Pola too many times, and each time, in that moment of final quiver, I find myself overcome with a highly irrational attachment to what was moments before simply a fragile, though entirely bereft of human or animal qualities. That is, in their demise they become very alive. I curse them, cry for them, attempt mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and even go so far as to open their bowels to attempt emergency bypass procedures. Indeed, I can quite relate to the gentle handling of these cameras.

2006-12-08 // 18:32:54
I like this as well, for some reason. Just like the way he's looking up into the light - a great expression on his face.

what i really love, each time that i take a picture of him with one of his cameras, is the way he handles them, with his big, carefull hands...as if they were little and fragile animals...

2006-12-02 // 12:50:24
Hey...your red pola.. Cool!!!!
red stickers on julien's sx-70...i also made him a gorgeous pola- handbag...you'll probably see it soon!