2007-01-12 // 02:35:01
It's the lovely smile on her lips that underlines what David S. said. Congrats to this Big Shot masterpiece and to your (both - no three, she's looking at your son ;-) love.
David S is one of the more eloquent on Polanoid - if you haven't already, strike up a conversation with the man. Thanks for the compliments. I love the Big Shot - need to do more with it!

2006-12-07 // 10:46:25
Wonderful shot pal! Congratulations.
Thanks, Jose! I just looked up and there it was (well, I had to say "DON'T MOVE" and then run to the other room for the camera and flash)

2006-12-07 // 04:59:11
Saw the other picture while flipping through the pictures on the pictures page but didn't pay much attention to it (yeeeah, I didn't even read any of the text, thus didn't notice it was one of yours!) (maybe I was at work, then? Work makes me pay less attention [... no, really?]), but this one is really, really great!!!

(I think David sums it up nicely. I couldn't have explained what I like about it so much myself, but yeah.. David said what I would've said. [If that makes any sense.])

Between you and David, pretty much everything makes sense.

2006-12-07 // 00:41:46
this is brilliant in so many ways :-)
but for me the 'sexiness' of it is borne out of love and that makes it just shine in every way.

Nicest comment of the century award goes to . . .DAVID S! You, of course, are one of the 'sexy image snappers' I reference, along with Antoine, D.Dillenseger and a couple of others. Louobedlam is rapidly approaching this status as well, in his own way.

2006-12-06 // 20:22:32

2006-12-06 // 15:18:18
i think this may be the first time i've seen a picture w/a Big Shot that wasn't just a face in front of a wall. well done.
I think Antoine inspried me the most here. .he's a Big Shot maestro. I fear what you'd do with this camera. ..you'd make me look like a hack then I'd have to throw it away!

2006-12-06 // 11:28:14
Always count on booombooom to be nice and supportive! Thanks!

2006-12-06 // 10:07:43
Mm.Great stockings! Very sexy.
I let her borrow my clothes from time to time. . .

2006-12-06 // 08:50:11
Hihihi, big crop on the essential :)
That's the fun of the Big Shot, no? YOU are the Big Shot MASTER!