2007-01-01 // 19:01:43 joster Ok, let's put it this way: Which song made you fall for The Decemberists? Personally I think it was either July, July! or maybe California One/Youth and Beauty Brigade, both from Castaways and Cutouts, back in 2003.
hmm i think it had to be the mariners revenge from picaresque (sp). it was ridiculous and i new i had to have it. but on that album i love eli the borrow boy and the bus mall, and of course angels in your angles. i have all their albums now and i love them each. they are amazing in concert.
2007-01-01 // 17:31:44 joster Nice colors and great band - I've been following them for a couple of years now. Favorite song?
if i had to pick a favorite song you'd have to ask me which album. cause i love soo many.