2006-12-18 // 14:10:04
Great little slice of L.A. living. I see you're in Los Feliz. Is the Fred 62 diner still around?
sure is. menu's changed a bit, but the food is quite decent and still reasonably priced.

4 out of 5 stars.

2006-12-18 // 13:01:08
Wonderful shot.

thanks! quite proud of it!

2006-12-17 // 19:20:27
Heresy indeed, especially given the amazing shot. The signs in the background, her pissed off pose, it's fantastique.

As for friends, well, we all change. My largest "letting go" period was during my college years. Too many seem to "go grey" as I call it, seeking the career track, the comfort zone within society, leaving their spark, their youth behind. Once that youth is gone, once our inner-eight year olds are no longer able to communicate behind the scenes, it's pretty much over. The seperation in a person of that connection between 'adult' wisdom and childhood naivete spells doom, in my eyes - I simply don't have time to hang with people who have become run of the mill, who no longer seek to seek. It has happened to some of my very favorite people and I daily fear that it will happen to me in my sleep and I won't notice it. You've seen "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," right? The Donald Sutherland version?

1: this shot is all about the fact that i waited an extra long time to peel it. love shit shot, but i still hate peel-apart

2: yeah, i got one friend in particular that's "gone grey" in a major way, breaks my heart, seeing him give up on fun and settle into a life far too much like his parents'. the day i stop being Weird is the day i put on some cement boots and go for a swim in the pacific.

Body Snatchers? you mean "rauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuu" at the end? that creeped me right out.