2006-12-26 // 22:02:13
love this bluetone v
59 has the best blues. Thanks

2006-12-26 // 10:49:18
So subtle and dreamlike... Great !
thank you mister polaspin

2006-12-20 // 16:38:52
Absolutely beautiful
Thank you very much:)

2006-12-20 // 01:16:56
My first (second, third) thought was similar to bluecharlotte's - I thought it was clouds!! Nifty. (:
its funny now when i see it i think its clouds but never saw it before...i tried it upside down with half closed eyes looks cool! Thanks for the comment:)

2006-12-19 // 17:59:51
for some reason this totally reminds me of the mushroom cloud from an atomic explosion. i like it!
hadn't looked at it that way, thanks for the comment