2007-01-24 // 04:33:56
shes so beautiful!
thanks, alyssa. By the way I like your Chicago pix, keep posting them.

2007-01-13 // 06:17:21
lovely. I guess this will be one of the very few kids in her generation that will have stunning black and white polaroids of her childhood ;-)
thanks, g. I actually hadn't thought of that - more reason to keep shooting polaroids, then.

2007-01-10 // 19:36:02
I would add "intelligent" to LiAs comment. Excellent portrait.
thanks joster!

2007-01-10 // 00:49:17
god such a pretty vital young girl. :-)
thanks LiA, to her the world is still a complete wonder and she is so excited to dsicover every new thing about it. Oh, to be young again!

2007-01-03 // 11:56:22
really excellent indeed...
thank you!

2007-01-02 // 23:57:37
excellent shot! fav'n'vote***
thank you! I really enjoy your work, by the way.

2007-01-02 // 23:00:45
Great shots with a great camera. I love to see what these older converted cameras are cable of when used by an enthusiast with skill and talent. Please keep them coming.
Thank you very much, tuberoller. Thanks to ebay I now have alot more cameras than I probably should but the 110b is far and away my favorite. Its such a pleasure to use and the lens has some magic in it, I believe.