2005-09-18 // 20:19:27
danke schön an alle.
which means sumfin like "thanx mucho to all of you"
wuzzn was quite exited and happy when he saw that his pictures got commented!
he'd probably have written more, but I had to send him to bed - was quite late for him already.

wuzzn's papa

2005-09-17 // 22:33:11
The girls are right. These polas are cool. This one is particularly bright and funny, really made me smile (which at 0620HRS in the morning is hard to do sometimes) Good to see some recursion going on too. It's great to have you at the Polanoid party Wuzzn!

2005-09-17 // 22:19:35
HELLOOOOOO Wuzzn!!!! your pictures are so funny and beautiful! i love them :-) and what a funny funny papa you have!! you are such a LUCKY Wuzzn! and you are learning Italian? WONDERFUL!! I'll be back to see more (if your papa lets you borrow the camera and the inventory again ;-)) hugs, AuntB

2005-09-17 // 21:52:01
oh how cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!
i like your funny german. ;)))