2007-04-17 // 11:35:00
this great my friend!
ta very much. Selling that deck tomorrow as I am moving countries. Sad to see it go. Many a drunken bedroom DJ set was had on that thing.

: )

2007-02-07 // 03:31:06
beautiful shots.
thankyou takezzo.

2007-01-24 // 18:08:46
totally kicks ass.
sorry for the late reply but thankyou for the ass kicking. ; )

2007-01-24 // 07:11:16
really gorgeous duo...congratz!
my vote too.


thankyou. New to this so can you explain to me what these votes go towards? Once I get a chance I will take time to have alook at everyones photos that have left comments.
cheers steve

2007-01-23 // 23:38:44
very nice set.
get my vote-

2007-01-23 // 21:55:19
cool...yes! very good
I like it

cheers. will have to check out ya pics for that. For now I am going home its late and I am still at work uploading - very addictive this could be.

2007-01-23 // 21:29:02
welcome spirodart.

it's good to know, AND SEE, that you're playing da funk, because i will listen.

nice "playerpic"!

its funkytime! cheers for the post. Just found out about this site. I have at least a thousand polaroids to upload. I could be at this for years but I shall be victorious. great site so happy I stumbled on it through unsaleable.com