2007-06-17 // 11:48:24
ha ha !!! coool!
I really don't see what is so amusing, young man.

2007-03-02 // 23:15:00

you have my vote!!

Please accept my gratitude.

2007-03-01 // 16:02:36

so ist es.

2007-03-01 // 12:34:05
Wo du vielleicht gerade da bist - ich hatte meinem Kumpel aus Hamburg, der ab und an ganz gerne auf Polanoid surft (aber keinen Account hat) versprochen, dir etwas auszurichten bezüglich dieses Bildes. Er (Frank) findet es sehr großartig und meint sogar, diese Collage hätte das Niveau eines der besseren Werke von Andy Warhol. Ich soll auch dafür voten, was ich hiermit getan habe.
Oho! Was für ein riesiges Kompliment! Ja vielen vielen Dank an den charmanten Frank! (Psst. Komm mit nach unten.)

(Das ist doch bestimmt der Moyshe-Schänder, oder? Habe ich Recht?)

2007-02-20 // 09:11:24
Nice collage Esther!***

Thank you!

2007-02-02 // 10:00:53

2007-02-01 // 10:55:21

2007-01-30 // 04:04:59
this is great.
Thanks. I think I might try a Harvey Wallbanger next.

2007-01-26 // 12:26:12
HAHA i laughed for hours at this and then went to look for mr ease but could not find him. I really like the whole happy hour project well what you have so far... get more!

ps: I love Bukowski and your links

Thanks! I'm also easily amused and I've been having fun making them.

I am hoping to do a Slow, Comfortable Screw up Against the Wall some time. That has possibilities. What else is there though? An Orgasm, a Bloody Mary (hmm, maybe not). Dear me, I'll have to plough through some cocktail menus. Oh well, we all have our cross to bear. Best start tonight - get it over with.

Buk is great, isn't he? That link has all these FBI documents on him. I laughed at those, because on the one hand, it is pretty damn cool having the FBI snuffling around after you just because you write for some obscene publication, but on the other hand, it's mainly just statements by his neighbours and landlord claiming that he was the ideal tennant, always quiet, pleasant and well-behaved. And that really doesn't fit in with the myth.

2007-01-25 // 18:53:22
Is THIS where the battle started? My put-down of the necklace? Sigh. ..I don't think so. I think this happened AFTER the storied "honey stick incident". Still don't understand why anyone would use lubricant from a battery. Wouldn't it be acidic?
Hmm, I see the battlefield has shifted.

Have you ever stuck your tongue on a battery, Tod? Yes? Then you know what fun it is. Now imagine feeling that same delightful highly toxic electrical tingle on other sensitive mucous membranes. Nice, huh? Well, that's what battery lube gives you.

2007-01-24 // 18:45:29
I don't understand what is happening here. Is that a large rechargeable battery she is holding? Also, the vertical gold geometrical necklace is so 2006. . . barely forgivable considering the shot date.

I'm confused.

It's lubricant - for added comfort. The necklace is also available in 2007 from the "Beate Uhse" catalogue.

2007-01-24 // 16:08:13
why do you use anal spray - for men only?
Aha. I wondered if someone would read the small print. I use it because it is more perverted than using just any old lube. And because of the wet fun flavours.
Oh yes (how could I forget?) and because of the bit that happens next.

This is what you wanted to hear isn't it? Huh? Huh?

2007-01-24 // 14:25:52
ahahhhha.....did you make the room service sometimes ?

I've never been to a place with room service. I always end up in cheap guesthouses. That's why it's a little fantasy of mine. I'd love to go crazy and order them to bring up all kinds of peculiar items for me at all hours of the day and night. I'd like to present myself as a completely different character every time they came up, too.