2007-02-09 // 15:37:20
I love this one ! Really good portrait !

ah, thank you!! this is a favorite of mine as well! tell all your friends about it!!!

2007-02-04 // 02:44:39
the correct question would have been "why are you up so late?" although i did swig from a jug of wine in a tent last night [jug, not bottle], i unfortunately cant say that i was out partying like a crazy person. i actually had too much green tea earlier in the day.
you, my dear, are a party animal.
you, my dear, are a party animal.

2007-02-03 // 14:03:53
totally fresh, dude. i just used the word "fresh" today. tried bringing it back, you know. because everyone thinks "fresh" is SO 90s. but it's not. it's timeless. although, i did use it in context moreso than as a slang. but, i digress. this picture is beautiful. you are my hero. vote, sir. and i like it so much, i think i'm even going to say that its one of my favorites.
i use Fresh all the time. because it is fresh to do so. and cool beans, i like that one, too.

why you up so early?