2007-02-21 // 04:57:26
love this one!!
Thanks, my dear!

2007-02-20 // 08:45:31
pritty nice!!! :)

Thank you, Silvana!

2007-02-19 // 23:19:35
yes because i have a lot late to upload and i'm going on tour with a band in march. so my time go away......
time is fleeting... ok, keep on rockin'!

2007-02-19 // 20:04:50
i shoted close the same yesterday at the lake of Annecy. you will see it in few weeks.
i love

Thx, sounds intersting. But.. a few weeks?

2007-02-19 // 18:56:09
very symbolic and metaphoric shot
now that you say this... hmm... yes I think the same