2007-02-24 // 18:41:05
love laundry shots. . . the far open door makes this one.
thanks tod. i had just gotten the holgaroid and was tfucking around with the different films. i'm surprised this one came out actually.

2007-02-24 // 05:44:03
Drew,sorry about using your 'comments" folder for this. The 672 is near perfection as far as latitude goes when shooting with the 110A. I do love 672 and shoot with it a lot. As far as the ISO3000 films go,I just find that the Fuji has far less grain and tends to scan better. I have also found 664 to be the very finest grain and contrast. 664 also seems to have better tonal range than the fuji fp100b and 672. I don't know if you're using a light meter but you really do need one when using the 110A. Does yours have a Rodentsock or Enna lens? I use an older Sekonic L-398 meter and it works very well with my conversion cameras. I find that the 110A/Rodentsock combo is about 2 stops off but I waste far less film and the meter paid for itself in a few shoots( 60 exposures or so).

I also love 665 film and print from the negs all the time. I ALWAYS test shoot with 664 first and use the meter to get near perfect exposure to avoid wasting any of the expensive 665.

2007-02-24 // 02:34:06
We call it the "L mat" here in Chicago. I meet all kinds of great folks at the laundry. I actually found my first nude model at the local Lmat but failed to get any Polars. Nice capture as always Drew. BTW,how is the 110A shooting with 672? Have you tried Fuji FP3000 yet? I think the grain is finer than 667 and 672. I still like 664 best however.
the 672 is the 400iso b&w right? i'm pretty sure that's right. i dig it. i appreciate the ability to have the same pack of film in the camera, both day and night, and being able to use it. admittedly, the 667 rules for night stuff and is kinda dope during the day, with the 4 stop filter over the lens, even with the lens flare. but it is tricky to rock the latter and not waste a shit-ton of film. the 672 is perfect for either situation.

i'm still at odds with the fuji. i reeeeaaallly like the color stuff. and i want to try shooting more of it with the time exposure stuff i've been doing with the 110a. but i'm not yet a fan of the b&w. however, that could always change.

thanks for the comment tube!

2007-02-23 // 23:57:10
i love laundromats. i almost never hope to get a washer/dryer of my own someday, simply because laundromats have so much character....

i definitely agree. i actually have a wahser/dryer in my building, but i can't resist the 'mat.