2007-11-12 // 12:10:26 g. Eyes!!! (but what happened to the scan?!?)
2007-03-17 // 01:13:58 k_tenmiller love the way her hair is sticking to her skin, where its out of focus. very nice. xoxo
2007-03-07 // 07:11:45 callaveron great portrait
2007-02-26 // 17:03:57 stan.lmrvg all the séries is great. bravo vote
2007-02-26 // 12:20:30 philippebourgoin yeah, this is cool + v!
2007-02-24 // 15:20:40 damians Intense and deeply image! WOW!
2007-02-24 // 15:14:56 automatik great portrait (+f)