2008-09-20 // 11:32:16

2008-07-21 // 21:12:55
love ur love 4 sense of humor too!
Ah ha. Yes, I was thinking of doing more of these again. They're just so much fun to make.

2007-05-16 // 00:07:04
Oh sure not directly in this way before...

2007-05-15 // 18:02:03
"This picture becomes very delicious with tehir comments and recomments, very nice during I'm working like bankmanager :-) Beste Grüsse"
You'll never see your clients in the same way again...

2007-03-30 // 19:29:21
i shall sherish it at every moment, and wear it only on grand occasions, like meeting my bankmanager or having diner with my mother in law !

2007-03-30 // 18:42:30
well ! it's done, and it's working pretty well ! How nice ! Do you send imaginary exclusive items to the members ?
Yes. Your golden membership thong - exquisitely handcrafted by virgin Amazonian nude lesbian traffic wardens - is on its way to you right now. Wear it with pride.

2007-03-30 // 18:21:32
wow ! that's tough membership ! what about becoming an imaginary member ?
Yes, it's tough, which is why all members so far have chosen to be imaginary. To become an imaginary member, all you have to do is imagine yourself being a member. (Obvious, really.)

2007-03-29 // 19:49:12
how to become member of the HHAC ?
Easy. Just reenact one of the scenes at the locality of your choice.

2007-03-29 // 07:35:43
ah ah ah !
Ooh ooh ooh!

2007-03-18 // 14:59:29
hey, don't knock it till you try it! ;)

2007-03-17 // 04:09:22
like always, you blow my mind!!!
Sooooo. this is the kind of thing you're into, then, eh? Well, well, well...

2007-03-13 // 16:45:24
Hhab ich Halluzinationen oder hast du einen Hundekopf unter den "Zwilling" geklebt? Da schaut doch ein Auge raus, oder wie?
Irgendwie ist da noch eine Frau, die auf die Hände balanciert. Aber so ganz verstehe ich auch nicht, was die da machen und welcher Körperteil zu wem jetzt wieder gehört. Ein Hund ist nicht dabei, aber danke für die Idee. Sowas muss ich nächstes Mal unbedingt integrieren.

2007-03-12 // 22:45:44
Brilliant, dear!

Oh, and P.S.: I have many a pretend fanclub. Just don't tell THEM they're imaginary.

Yes, people can get quite touchy when you accuse them of being a figment of your own fevered imagination.

2007-03-07 // 10:34:27
Haha yes! I love it!

2007-03-06 // 10:44:22
Have your family given you any feedback yet on this particular creation? :-)
I can just hear my Dad saying, "She'll knack her back doing that" or "They'll all catch their deaths."

2007-03-05 // 20:47:09
I love the little letters that disapear slowly...*
My old typewriter does that all by itself. I like its little quirks.

2007-03-05 // 17:56:24

2007-03-05 // 17:05:10
schizofrenia IS complicated!!!!

2007-03-05 // 16:57:09
tell me that when I knock at your door at 4 am...
chianti and favabeans, chianti and beans....!

Now you sound like the good twin again. This could get confusing.

2007-03-05 // 16:53:53
consider it done!
Ooooooh, my hair is standing on end. I prefer your brother. You're so unnervingly evil.

2007-03-05 // 16:48:34
I immediately ask to be a member of your imaginary fan club!
I always wanted to be a happy hour appreciator!

I already had you down as a member, actually. But you can join again as your own evil twin, if you like.