2007-03-07 // 03:54:49 pinkiestyle very nice, drew. lovely contrast!
thank you pink. hehe it was a good day at work.
2007-03-06 // 16:00:57 Jose605 Really like these two together. Very nice work.
thanks again jose. i appreciate the compliment.
2007-03-06 // 07:55:13 thom.trauner magic light on the right one! vote for shure.
thank you thom. that was right as the sun began setting this evening. the light really was magical. myself and a couple other crew members were in awe over it.
2007-03-06 // 07:42:14 bluecharlotte beautiful diptych drew. such lovely light and textures.
thanks! oddly enough, this was while i was at work today. some house we were looking at for a location for a commercial. haha i was sold.
2007-03-06 // 07:39:04 hasp22 very nice pair. fav!